You can be an inspiration for someone who is experiencing difficulties by not lowering yourself to their sadness, but by lifting them up through the light of your joy.

You will always know if you are being the light of inspiration by how you feel. If you can maintain your good feelings, the light of your joy is shining and bright. The moment you begin to feel heavy or not good you will know that the negativity of the problem is affecting you, and you really must step away and restore yourself to feeling good.

You have nothing to give anyone unless the joy within you is radiating outward.
What is it you really want? What is the outcome you want? Your job is to hold to the outcome of what you want, and to feel the outcome as though it is here now. That is your job. The HOW it will come about is the Universe's work. So many people trip up on this and try and work out the how. Here is a simple example. A person wants to go to an expensive college, and so they try to work out how they will get the money for college. But the outcome is to be at the college. The person must focus on being at that college - that is their work.
Focus on the outcome and allow the Universe to use its infinite ways to make it happen.
The Universe is completely and utterly in love with you. No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter where you are in your life, no matter what you think of you, the University loves you for all eternity.
When you are out of harmony with the law, you experience lack in your life, but that is just the experience you are creating. The Universe is continually giving, and so you must learn how to tune yourself with the harmony of the Universe. And the perfect melody is this: good thoughts, good words, and good actions.
It is important to remember that you are vibrating a frequency every second. To change the outside circumstances and shift your life to a higher level, you must change the frequency on the inside of you. Thoughts of goodness, words of goodness, and deeds of goodness lift your frequency higher. The higher your frequency, the more good you bring to you.


    Happiness Inside = Be Grateful + Be Humble + Be Positive

    I used to be very depressed. I am not happy about myself, my life and the people around me. One day, I got "the Secret" DVD from my sister. From then on, by applying the Law of Attraction, I started to change, and my life started to change. it's still continuously changing to the good way...

    In this blog, all the quotes come from the Author of "The Secret", so check back often and share what you think. Let us learn the Law of Attraction together.

    Thanks and may joy be with everyone!

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